Reviews are typically given by customers who already bough a specific product and wish to leave a product review in order to share their thoughts or to help other customers with their decision.
You will be pleased to know that we have implemented a reward scheme for every single product rating/review you give us. To show our appreciation for your time, you will receive a 20% discount coupon to be used for your next purchase at structuraldetails store.
As soon as you submit your rating, you will receive an email with your coupon code, yours to use whenever you want. Just remember, you need to be signed in… otherwise we won’t know who to send the email to !
To leave a review you need to follow these easy following steps :
1) Navigate to the product you want to leave a review
2) Click on the the REVIEWS tab ( under the product photo )
3) Select rating ( stars from 1 to 5, 5 being the maximum ),
4) Type your review in the text box provided.
4) If logged in already just click the SUBMIT button, otherwise you will be asked to provide your name and email ( so we know where to send your dicsount coupon )
( see self explanatory image below )
That is all !
Once more, we will appreciate your time leaving us a review to help us and other customers with their experience.
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