To reset/change your password follow these 7 steps below :
1) Go to Login Page ( just click the MY ACCOUNT on the top menu ) and click on LOST YOUR PASSWORD link.
2) On the page that comes up enter your email address and click RESET PASSWORD.
3) The system will validate your account email address and a note will appear on the top of the page asking you to check your email.
4) Go to your email software, open your email you just received from structuraldetails and click on the ‘ Click Here To Reset Your Password ‘ link.
5) This will open a new tab on your browser asking you to enter a new password twice.
a. New Password
b. Re-enter new Password
Please make sure that both entries are exactly the same and try to use strong passwords containing both numbers and letters with 7 or more characters.
The system will not let you proceed if your new password is weak.
6) Click on the ‘ SAVE ‘ button.
7) As soon as you see the message ‘ Your password has been reset. Log in ‘ go ahead and click on the login link and you should be set to go.
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